A Higher Call: Called to Witness

Text: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10

The letters of 1 & 2 Thessalonians were written to a group of young Christians who were finding much opposition and conflict in the world. As they loved Jesus and lived for Him, they found that the culture was increasingly hostile to the name of Christ. God led Paul to pen these words to give encouragement and hope through the return of Christ, but this promised future had radical implications for how they lived in the present. All throughout these letters, Paul clearly explains how the reality of heaven should impact our reality here on earth. As you listen to this message, we pray that the Lord will lift your eyes above the temporary here and now to focus your attention completely on Him, so that you live faithfully for Him today.

Unstoppable Kingdom: Just Jesus

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Text: Acts 19:1-20

We all face many distractions and challenges as we live in the world, and each of these things can easily lead us down wrong paths. Even when seeking to honor God and live for Him, we are not immune to these problems. In this message, we discover what true devotion to Jesus should look like and how this devotion to Him radically impacts every other aspect of our lives. We hope you will listen today to be encouraged and challenged to live your life fully for Him.

Crown Him: The Crown of Thorns

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Text: John 19:1-16

The Crown of Thorns is like a key that allows all the other believer’s crowns to have value, giving them ability and imperishability. Understanding the Crown of Thorns also gives us a better, fuller understanding of the miracle of Christ’s work on the cross. In this message, Pastor Michael shares how the message of the Crown of Thorns showcases our problem of sin, our rejection of God’s will, and our rebellion to God’s original plan. Yet it also spotlights God’s plan for salvation - His righteousness, His rescue, and the plan for restoration. As we conclude our study of the crowns found in the New Testament, we can know that the crowning achievement of a believer’s life is to cast the crowns we receive back to the King who gives and who endured the one crown we will never know.

Crown Him: The Crown of Glory

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Text: 1 Peter 5:1-8

The final reward that we discover in our "Crown Him" series is a unique reward promised specifically to faithful shepherds who have loved the Lord and led His flock well. It is vitally important that the church has a proper understanding of God's calling and requirements for pastors. This prevents unnecessary division and unhealthy man-made expectations. It also vividly reminds us that we each have a part to play and a role to fulfill in the local church. We pray that you will listen to this message, be encouraged in God's provisions for you, and be challenged to faithfully support the pastors that He has called to shepherd you.