Crosslink Community Church is a re-launch of Faith Bible Church in Harrisonburg, Virginia. Faith Bible Church started in the late ‘70s, meeting in the Holiday Inn on the south side of Harrisonburg, Virginia. Not long after their organizing, they purchased approximately 11 acres and built a metal building to house 10 Sunday School classrooms and a 250-seat Worship Center. They functioned for 30+ years on this property, visible from Interstate 81, on a hill in the Shenandoah Valley.
In late 2007, after coming upon some hard times, the elders of Faith Bible Church reached out to Dr. Randy Spencer and Calvary Baptist Church in Staunton, Virginia (30 miles away). Over the course of several meetings they discussed the possibility of Calvary Baptist taking on Faith Bible Church as a daughter church to help her get back on her feet. In early 2008, Faith Bible Church voted unanimously to submit to the leadership of Calvary Baptist Church, and in the summer of 2009, Faith Bible Church was officially re-launched as Calvary Cross-link Ministries. Dr. Spencer began pastoring two churches: Calvary Baptist Church & Calvary Cross-link Ministries. For two years, he preached a 10am service in Staunton and then drove to preach the 11:15 service at Crosslink. With the leadership of a solid pastor, coupled with the investment from a strong mother church, the young church began to grow again.
In October of 2009, with an average attendance of 140 people, Crosslink was able to call their very own Lead Pastor. The church continued to grow, baptizing over 300 people in 6 years. In that time, the church developed a servant-minded deacon body, a passionate staff, and a faithful Pastor’s Council to assist the Lead Pastor with oversight and administration of the growing church. In the summer of 2015, Calvary Cross-link Ministries became officially autonomous and was renamed Crosslink Community Church. Because of the tremendous growth, Crosslink eventually maxed out their facilities - hosting 4 packed worship services each Sunday. In order to accommodate their larger congregation, Crosslink opened a brand new 600-seat Worship Center in July of 2016.
Crosslink continues to be deeply engaged in its mission of Impacting the Valley and Blessing the Nations with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the Lord continues to do amazing things through our community of believers.