
We are excited to announce that Crosslink has partnered with Ramsey Solutions to offer your family all of the financial resources available on Ramsey+ for FREE. To learn more about Ramsey plus, click here.

To get your free Ramsey+ account today fill out this form: :

Here are just a few of the reasons we are doing this now:

  • Many of our families are struggling financially and need hope and help mapping out their financial future.

  • We want to give something back to you as part of our church family.

  • We believe that generosity is essential to advancing the Kingdom of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth.

  • We want to help you get to a financial position that allows you to be generous in giving to God’s Kingdom and the advance of the Gospel.

  • We want to give you the resources needed to become a “Good Steward” of the money God has entrusted you with.

  • We want you to have the tools and resources necessary to find “Financial Peace”.

  • We believe that every member of Crosslink should be debt free and able to give as the Lord leads.

Crosslink purchased a Ramsey+ site license so that we could offer these resources to you and our entire congregation.

If you would like more information about Ramsey+ please email Pastor Terry at


If you would like to join our next Ramsey+ Financial Peace University Class then follow this link to register: