Crown Him: The Crown of Rejoicing

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Text: 1 Thessalonians 2:19-20, 1-13

In this message, we continue to discover the various crowns that are in store for those who love Jesus supremely and faithfully live and labor for Him. The “Crown of Rejoicing,” often called “The Soul-Winner’s Crown,” is given to those who faithfully share the Gospel and their lives with those in need. When a sinner turns from their sin and trusts in Jesus for salvation there is much rejoicing. The new child of God, the sharer of the Good News, the Church, and even the angels of God all rejoice when a person experiences new life in Christ. It should not surprise us then that all who have played a role in sharing this Good News will experience a Crown of Rejoicing in heaven. We invite you to listen today to discover more about this crown and to discern whether or not you have confidence in receiving it.

Crown Him: The Victor's Crown

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Text: 1 Corinthians 9:24-27

We live in a culture that is driven to succeed and rewards the successful. In the Christian life we have the promise of rewards as well, but these crowns we are studying are not earthly treasures and trophies that will rust and ruin. As disciples of Jesus, we are to run the race with purpose, pursuing the eternal prize and living with the Gospel as the priority in all aspects of our life. Pastor Michael brings an action-oriented challenge on how to live life in such a way that we are All In for the win and will receive an imperishable crown, the incorruptible crown, the Victor’s Crown.

Crown Him: The Crown of Life

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Text: James 1:2-12

Today’s Olympic Games provide a vivid illustration of the impact and significance of rewards. In these games, athletes from all over the world compete for the privilege of bringing honor and glory to their country, their name recorded in history, and the prize of a metal that will be placed around their neck. We are grateful for these athletes and celebrate their victories, but the rewards they are pursuing are perishable and will not last. The metals will corrode, nations will rise and fall, and even names will be forgotten. However, when it comes to following Jesus, we are called to pursue an imperishable, never-fading reward. In today’s message, we discover the “crown of life” that the Lord has promised to specific believers. We invite you to listen closely to discover how you can love Jesus fully and live for Jesus faithfully, even amid the trials of life.

Crown Him: The Crown of Righteousness

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Text: 2 Timothy 4:6-8

God tells us many things about discipleship in His Word, but one area of discipleship that is often overlooked is its rewards. Jesus assures us that our willingness to fully follow Him will not be without reward, but there is much about this that we don’t understand. Throughout this study, we are discovering the five crowns, or eternal rewards, that God says are in store for certain individuals. We pray that each crown will encourage you to examine your life and seek His growth and transformation so that you can have confidence and assurance of these rewards in the future.