Called to Follow: The Compassion of a Disciple

Text: Matthew 9:9-13

Have you ever wrestled with a situation that constantly captured your attention and grabbed hold of your mind? Have you ever heard a statement that you couldn’t let go of? You continually wondered, “What did this mean? Why did they say that? Is there something more there?” If so, you can relate to the words of Jesus in Matthew 9:13 where He instructs us to, “Go and learn what this means: ‘I desire compassion, and not sacrifice.’ ” We invite you to listen to this message and to intently consider what the Lord is saying about our care for others and how it applies to our lives today.

Called to Follow: The Charity of a Disciple

Text: John 13:33-35

In “The Charity of a Disciple” we discover one of the most distinguishing proofs of a disciple of Jesus – love. Sadly, though, much that is called love in our culture today greatly misses the mark. Many view love in terms of feelings, emotions, and passions that come and go. Jesus shows us what true Godly love is all about. He modeled it plainly for us to see and raised the bar for how we are to express this love in our relationships in the body of Christ. We invite you to listen today to be encouraged by Jesus’ example, to follow His instruction, and to understand the vital ways our love for one another impacts our witness for Him.

Called to Follow: The Conduct of a Disciple

Text: John 13:1-17

There are many ways that we might describe the personal behavior of a disciple of Jesus, but as we look at the Scriptures we see that the conduct of a disciple is not merely based upon moral principles but upon a heavenly example. To discover how we should conduct our lives today, we simply need to study the life of Christ and consider what was important to Him. What did He model for us? What were the things that He did, and how did He do them? The more closely we study Him, the more we will discern what He is calling us to do today. We invite you to listen to this message to be encouraged and challenged to submit to the Lord so that you may become more like Him today.

The Power of the Resurrection

Text: John 20:19-31

History records a host of notable victories on the battlefields, in the courtrooms, and on sports fields all over the world, but there is no greater victory than the victory won by Jesus when He died on the cross for the sins of the world and rose again from the grave. Through the resurrection, Jesus conquered sin, death, Satan, and even hell itself. We could study all the pages of history and never find a greater victory that has such power and impact on our lives today. There is nothing in your life that can’t be changed by the power of His resurrection. The power of the resurrection assures us of hope, peace, joy, love, and even eternal life. As you listen to the message, we pray that you will personally experience the power of the resurrection in your life today!