Called to Follow: The Community of a Disciple

Text: John 15:12-17

We are made for friendship, but there is a great lack of fulfilling friendships in our world today. We long for close friends, and yet we seem to be unable to get out of our own way to experience flourishing friendships. Friendships just seem too hard, too risky, and too messy to be worth it. And yet, Jesus calls those who follow Him friends and commands us to live in a community of loving friendship with one another. Jesus’ loving friendship of us serves as our model for loving friendship with one another, and our relationship with Him serves as the source of our ability to live in loving friendship with other followers of Jesus. In a world starved for friendships, followers of Jesus have the opportunity to display the richness of friendship found in Jesus and His church.

Called to Follow: The Commitment of a Disciple

Text: John 8:30-47

There are many commitments that we may make in life, but there is none of greater importance than the commitment we make to Christ. Many claim to be committed to Jesus, but if we honestly evaluate the time we spend worshiping Him, talking to Him, learning from Him, and serving Him, we may find that our commitment isn’t as strong as we thought. In this sermon, we see that many religious leaders in Jesus’ day thought they were committed and close to God, but Jesus’ words revealed the truth of where they stood. I pray today that we each hear these words of Christ and examine our own lives to make sure that we are truly committed to Him. If we want to accurately examine our belief in Jesus, we need to simply evaluate one primary area – our commitment and obedience to His Word.

Called to Follow: The Cost of Discipleship

Text: Matthew 16:21-28

As Jesus fulfilled His earthly ministry, everywhere He went a crowd gathered. Many were intrigued by His teaching and impressed with His miracles. Similarly today, there are still many people who follow Jesus like fans in the crowd, waiting to see what He will do next. But Jesus calls us out from merely being a fan and invites us to be a devoted follower instead. He shows us in Matthew 16 that the cost of discipleship is great, but the rewards are far greater. We invite you to listen to this message today to consider: Are you a follower of Jesus? Are you willing to pay the cost? There is great reward awaiting those who can emphatically answer with a resounding ‘Yes!’

Called to Follow: The Confession of a Disciple

Text: Matthew 16:13-20

There are many important questions that we must consider and answer in life, but there is none more important than the question that Jesus asks in Matthew 16:15. After hearing all the opinions of the crowd, Jesus looks to His disciples and asks directly, “Who do you say that I am?” This personal question is one that He is asking each of us today, and we must be careful in how we answer. Our answer to this question determines the difference between life and death, heaven and hell, forgiveness and condemnation. We invite you to listen today in hopes that you will hear and answer this most important question correctly.