Called to Follow: The Conviction of a Disciple

Text: John 6:35-69

We live in a day where many people claim to be Christians, but few tend to truly have a relationship with Christ. Even within the Church, there are many deconstructing their faith and turning their backs on things they once claimed to believe. Why is this happening to so many people? What does it mean? How are we to remain faithful and true to the Lord when so many are going away? Each of these questions and more are answered in this message. It’s all centered around our true convictions of Who Jesus is. We invite you to listen today to be encouraged and challenged. May the Lord bring you to the same conviction that He produced in Simon Peter’s life.

Called to Follow: The Closeness of a Disciple

Text: Matthew 13:1-23

There is a great cost in following Jesus. We must be willing to love Him above all others and willingly lay down our lives for Him. While these may sound like a heavy cost, they are nothing compared to what is gained. Jesus assures us that in laying our life down for Him, it is then that we find true abundant life. In fact, there are countless blessings available for all who trust in Jesus and follow Him as Lord. Today we see, in Matthew 13, several of the practical blessings and benefits of being a disciple of Jesus. Those who are close to Jesus and follow Him as Lord enjoy several blessings and privileges that others do not. We pray that the Lord helps you to examine these wonderful blessings to consider how you are embracing and experiencing these in your life.

Called to Follow: The Confidence of a Disciple

Text: Matthew 10:16-39

Jesus calls His disciples to follow Him, but in doing so He warns us of the external conflicts we will face as we do so. Because Satan is opposed to the things of God, he seeks to devour all who follow Jesus as Lord. As we face these conflicts, it would be easy to focus on the negative aspects of these hardships, but in this message Jesus presents several truths that encourage and empower all who live for Him. Because of Jesus, we don’t have to live in despair when the attacks come. Instead, we can live with confidence in who He is, what He has done, what He has promised, and what He will do. We invite you to listen today and place your confidence in Christ.

Called to Follow: The Conflicts of Discipleship

Text: Luke 9:57-62

Jesus invites all to come and follow Him, and even assures all who do that He will not cast them out. This is wonderful news for everyone, but it is not without conflict. The greatest conflict with Jesus’ invitation to follow is the conflict that takes place internally in our own hearts, minds, and souls. With the offer of sins forgiven, righteousness imputed, eternal life assured, and countless blessings in Christ we would think it impossible to forfeit our opportunity to follow Jesus. But we discover in our message today that many things can hinder us from truly following Jesus. We invite you to listen today, to examine your own heart, and to make sure that these conflicts are not hindering you from following Jesus.