Called to Follow: The Celebration of a Disciple

Text: Luke 5:27-39

It seems that everyone loves a good celebration and there are many things in life that we celebrate - the birth of a child, the birthdays that follow, personal accomplishments, holidays, championships, etc. While there are many things that we celebrate, very few of these celebrations have lasting impact on our lives. However, when it comes to the greatest reason to celebrate, we find that it not only impacts our lives on earth but also in eternity. There is no greater celebration than the one described in this week’s message. We invite you to listen, to join in the celebration, and invite others to do the same!

Called to Follow: The Coaching of a Disciple

Text: Luke 5:1-11

It may sound strange to consider Jesus as a coach. After all, He is King of kings and Lord of lords, the Savior of the world. However, when we consider how He takes us as we are and molds us and shapes us to be what He wants us to be, we quickly realize that, much like a coach, He does this step-by-step as we follow Him. Jesus knows exactly where you are today, and more importantly He knows exactly where He wants to lead you. We invite you to listen today, to follow His lead, and to be changed by the work He does in your life.

Called to Follow: The Calling of a Disciple

Text: Matthew 4:12-22

Many people in our American culture, and certainly within the Church, refer to themselves as Christians. While this can be a wonderful thing when it is an accurate claim, it is interesting to note that Jesus Himself never called His followers “Christians.” Instead, He called those who followed Him “disciples.” Throughout this sermon and the series that follows we discover what it means to truly be a devoted follower of Jesus. We hope that you will listen to the message today to examine where you stand in your relationship with Christ and pray that God uses this series to draw you closer and make you more like Jesus.

The Vision Provision

Text: Habakkuk 2:1-3

It is the beginning of a new year! We always hear talk of New Year’s resolutions and goals around this time. Instead of a New Year’s resolution that can be temporary or short lived, by taking a look at the example from an Old Testament prophet, Pastor Michael shares a challenge to discern and develop a life vision statement that you commit to having in 2024 and beyond. As believers, we need to commit to the calling and direction God gives and live it out for the glory of God.