This Is Our God: El Roi: "The God Who Sees"

Text: Genesis 16:1-16

Everyone faces trials and struggles in life, but it is especially comforting to know that the living God of heaven is the God who sees. He is omnipresent, in all places at all times, and omniscient, knowing all things. There is no fact in the world or in each of our lives that escapes His notice. We invite you to listen to the message today to be encouraged that God sees where you’ve been, sees where you are, and sees where He is wanting to lead you. May we each learn to walk by faith as we trust in the God who sees!

God Is Here: The Struggle

Text: Matthew 1:18-25

They say that Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, but for many, the season highlights the many struggles of life. From grief and loneliness to a variety of stresses and strains, there are many struggles that we often experience. The reality of struggles surrounding Christmas probably does not surprise you, but perhaps it does surprise you to find that we see evidence of struggle in the Christmas story itself. One of the primary ways that we see this is through the example of the life of Joseph. He faced a very unexpected circumstance, but the Lord comforted him and counseled him in a very personal way. If you are struggling today, we invite you to listen and be encouraged to find peace and strength through faith in Jesus today.

God Is Here: The Miracle

Text: Luke 1:26-38, 46-55

Today’s message focuses on why the birth of Jesus was so extraordinary. How was His birth different than others, what is so significant about it, and why does it even matter? All of these questions were answered when God sent a heavenly messenger to a humble girl from Nazareth. That message and the miracle that followed has literally changed the course of human history, and it is still changing the hearts and lives of all who trust in Him by faith and surrender to Him as Lord. We invite you to listen today to grasp anew the wonder of the miracle of the birth of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world.

God Is Here: The Prophecies

Text: Isaiah 9:1-7

Who can fully grasp the joy and relief that was experienced many years ago when Jesus was born, to know that it was not merely the birth of a baby, but the presence of God that had come to dwell with man. Yes, He is Immanuel – God with us – and the story of Christmas shouts aloud to us today that “God is Here.” As we study the birth of Jesus over the next four weeks, we pray that God captures our attention and affection with the same awe and wonder that many experienced that first Christmas. We begin today by looking at several of the Old Testament prophecies that have all been fulfilled in one Person – the Christ Child born in Bethlehem.