A Psalm for Every Season: The Enthronement Psalms

Text: Psalm 95

In life, we all face many different seasons. There are seasons of celebration and of sorrow, seasons of grief and of joy, seasons of victory and of defeat. Regardless of the seasons that we face, we can be confident that God is in control. No matter what we face or feel, God is sovereign over all things and He is faithfully working all things together for His glory and our good. That doesn’t mean that we will understand it at the moment, nor does it mean that we will see everything God does on this side of heaven, but it does mean that in every season and situation we can rest in the person and promises of God. This is what the “Enthronement Psalms” are all about. They reveal the greatness of God and call us to respond in worship. We invite you to listen today to be encouraged and challenged to trust in Him.

A Psalm for Every Season: The Lament Psalms

Text: Psalm 13

God is good and worthy to be praised in every season and situation of life, even the tough seasons that we face. Many times, though, that feels nearly impossible as we face overwhelming burdens and problems in life. God gives us the psalms of lament to show us that He can handle our cares and concerns and invites us to bring them all to Him. From Psalm 13 we discover how the Lord can turn our sorrows to singing and our pain to peace. We invite you to listen today to be encouraged and equipped for victory.

A Psalm for Every Season: The Royal Psalms

Text: Psalm 21

As we continue our study “A Psalm for Every Season,” we are discovering that there are several types of Psalms that God uses to show us that He is worthy of praise in every season and situation. This week we learn about the “Royal Psalms” that receive their name from the role they played in the lives of ancient kings. Through these Psalms, we discover God’s unique role in calling, anointing, empowering, delivering, and leading these kings for His own glory and purposes. While many aspects of kingship are missed in our culture today, in Christ, we have spiritually experienced many of these same aspects in Him. We invite you to listen today to discover similarly how God has called, delivered, anointed, and empowered you for His glory and purposes.

A Psalm for Every Season: The Wisdom Psalms

Text: Psalm 1

As we begin this new sermon series, we discover that God is worthy of praise in every season and situation of life. Whether we are in a season of calm or the storms are raging all around us, in every season we can lift our eyes to the Lord and praise Him. This is what the book of Psalms is all about. We begin our study by learning of the “Wisdom Psalms” which encourage us to think and live wisely and not foolishly. These Psalms present principles and practices that will make one wise or foolish, depending on how they respond to the Word of God. We invite you to listen and apply this message today, so that you can grow in His wisdom!