More Than a Sunday: The Church and its Worship

Text: 2 Chronicles 20:1-30

Worship is bigger than singing, and it is also bigger than Sundays - it is an everyday lifestyle. In this final message of the “More Than a Sunday” series, Pastor Scott looks at the example of King Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah in 2 Chronicles 20 and how they modeled a lifestyle of worship when facing a major crisis. We’ll see how they sought the Lord, remembered His character and deeds, listened for His voice, walked in faith, and blessed the Lord in the midst of adversity. When we worship the Lord in our everyday lives, He can work and move in amazing ways!

When the Going Gets Tough...

Text: Acts 4:1-31

When the going gets tough...where do you turn? For many in today's society, the answer to this question may be hard to identify. Some may turn to their own knowledge, skills, and experiences. Others may turn to the expertise of others in their lives or those in the media. This week we have the opportunity to learn from the experiences of Peter and John, as told in Acts chapter 4, as they experienced persecution from the leaders of their day. Rather than turning to themselves, they turned to the Holy Spirit. We invite you to join us for today's message to hear what happens when you turn to the Holy Spirit in tough times!

More Than a Sunday: The Ministries of the Church

Text: 1 Corinthians 12:1-27

There are many in the world who don’t truly know their purpose. Sadly, this is often true in the church today as well, but this should not be the case. Every Christian has been adopted into the body of Christ and has been personally given at least one spiritual gift for God’s divine purposes. While this is wonderful, many Christians remain confused about the role and purpose that these gifts play and misunderstand their own importance in the church. We invite you to listen to the message today to discover your role in the body of Christ so that you can start fulfilling His plan and purpose for your life.

More Than a Sunday: The Church and Its Men: Biblical Manhood

Text: 1 Corinthians

We are living in a day when people have surrendered conviction to convenience and have surrendered purpose to a pale existence. And this is nowhere seen as great of a dilemma as it is in the definition of men. The struggle of manhood today has incited chaos in every other area of our lives, the refusal or failure of males to become men as God has defined them. When you look at the scope of the decline of marriages, of churches, and the climate of the culture, much of it can be tied to the absence of men not fulfilling their God-ordained purpose. There is hope and God has a prescription for biblical manhood. Pastor Michael shares a specific challenge to men on Father’s Day.