More Than a Sunday: The Ministry Partners of the Church

Text: Acts 8:25-40

Throughout this series, we have discovered that the purpose and ministry of the Church is about much more than the activities and events that take place on Sundays. In fact, the sun never sets on the purpose and mission of the Church. All over the world, twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week, the light of Christ is shining through His Church in various ways. One of the unique ways that God accomplishes His mission in the world is through ministry partners who advance the Gospel to people and places that are often difficult to reach. These ministry partners have a direct relationship and connection to the local church, but their strategic efforts are focused on bridging the gap with those outside of the Church. We invite you to listen today to consider your role in fulfilling His mission and supporting these vital ministries.

More Than a Sunday: The Families of the Church

Text: Joshua 24:13-24

The current culture of our day is launching many attacks on God’s plan and purpose for the “home.” These pressures in our world have also impacted the Church in many harmful ways – from confused sexuality and compromised marriages, to simple complacency in Christian living. The average family, even in the Church, lives with much pressure, burden, confusion, and uncertainty. However, God has a plan for the home. While our actions and attitudes towards one another are largely described in the New Testament, the Old Testament sets the proper foundation that must be established. From this message in Joshua 24, we discover the place that God must occupy in each of our homes, and we are brought face-to-face with a choice that we must make. If you would like your family to be what God has designed it to be, we encourage you to listen today.

More Than a Sunday: The Master of the Church

Text: Romans 5:6-11

Today’s message focuses on the “Master” of the Church – Jesus. Jesus is both the Chief Shepherd of His sheep and the Head of the Church. Both positions illustrate His power, rule, and authority over the Church, but why is this position reserved only for Him? Why can nobody else take His place? What did He do to establish His Church and what is He doing today to build His Church? Each of these questions is important and must be answered, or else we will end up with man-centered religious movements that we falsely label a “church.” We hope that you will listen to this message today and be drawn closer to the Lord Jesus Christ.

More Than a Sunday: The Ministers of the Church

Text: Acts 20:17-38

The Church in America is facing many struggles and indicating many signs of dysfunction. This reality corresponds directly to the struggles and signs of dysfunction that we are seeing among its pastors. However, it doesn’t have to be this way. God has given us everything we need to know about the calling and commitment of pastors and how the Church can care for these shepherds. In order for the Church to be healthy, we must recapture a biblical understanding of the role of the pastor and a biblical response to the pastor. This message aims to help us do just that. We invite you to listen today to discover your next step in building up the Church.