More Than a Sunday: The Members of the Church

Text: Ephesians 4:17-5:2

Throughout this sermon series we are being reminded that being a Christian is not merely about our Sunday activity. Being a follower of Christ means that our entire lives are fully surrendered to Him. We are called to live out our faith every day and in every way that the Lord leads us to do so. In this message, we specifically see how we are to live out our faith in community with other believers. We discover in Ephesians 4 that our personal lives, our speech, our attitude, and our heart all impact others in the Church. We invite you to listen today to personally examine how these things in your life may or may not be reflecting Christ.

More Than a Sunday: The Mission of the Church

Text: Romans 10:9-15

Our culture often identifies a church by their building, meeting location, their style of ministry, or various programs and values. The Church is often viewed through the lens of Sunday morning activities. However, God shows us repeatedly that being a part of the Church is not merely about our Sunday activity, but about how we live our lives every day. In this message, we are reminded of the mission of the Church and are challenged to consider the part we are playing in fulfilling the mission. We invite you to listen today to be reminded of the mission and to consider how God has uniquely called and gifted you to fulfill His purposes in the world today.

When the Church Prays: God Brings Salvation

Text: Acts 16:4-36

Have you ever been in a moment where you were questioning God? Have you ever been in a place where you just didn’t understand what He was doing or why He was doing it? Have you ever felt that you were in a holding pattern just waiting on the Lord? If so, you are in good company. While there are many harmful and negative things that we can do while we are in these moments, it is usually in these times that God has us right where He wants us so that we recognize our total dependence upon Him. And, as we learn to depend on Him, we often discover that He does things in us and through us that only He can do. If you have ever struggled with God’s will and want to understand how and why He is at work, we invite you to listen to this message today.

When the Church Prays: God Brings Directions for Fulfilling the Mission

Text: Acts 13:1-4

Have you ever found yourself overwhelmed and confused by a lack of direction? What should you do when you don’t know what to do? What should the church do when its path is uncertain and unclear? Fortunately, these struggles are not new and God’s Word speaks into the situation. In this message, we look at Acts 13 and discover four vital steps to discovering and implementing God’s direction for our lives and ministry. We invite you to listen today.