Overcomer: Overcoming Doubt

Text: Genesis 50:14-26

As followers of Christ, we all know that we are called to not only possess faith, but to also live by faith throughout our lives. However, we must admit that it is not always easy to live by faith. There are, in fact, times that we have questions, concerns, and perhaps even doubts. This is not new to us. Even Jesus’ own disciples, like Thomas and Peter, faced moments and experiences of doubt. God knows our humanity and our struggles and has given us ways to overcome our doubts. If you are struggling with doubt today, we invite you to listen to this message so that you might be encouraged and strengthened in your faith.

Overcomer: Overcoming the Pains of the Past

Text: Genesis 41:50-57, 45:1-28

Most people have experienced some physical pains in their lives, and most of these injuries are easily treated and come with a quick recovery plan. The same, though, is not true with the emotional, mental, and relational wounds we suffer. These wounds of the heart seem to cut us to our very soul and, while we may appear fine on the outside, on the inside we can be struggling severely. While the physical injuries may heal in weeks, the emotional and relational injuries may last years, decades, and perhaps even a lifetime. From the story of Joseph God shows us today how we can move beyond the pains of the past, walk with Him in the present, and move forward trusting Him for the future. This leads to healing and victory that won’t otherwise be known. If you are in need of healing today, we invite you to listen and experience the victory that He is offering to you!

Overcomer: Overcoming Success

Text: Genesis 41:37-57

Much of the culture views success as something to aspire for and achieve, but there are actually many dangers that come with success and accomplishment. We see this in many aspects of society, but we can also see the spiritual dangers of success. While success can be a wonderful blessing from God, without faithfully honoring Him with these blessings, this success can lead to pride, complacency, selfishness, self-indulgence, forgetfulness, neglect, and stinginess, just to name a few. Because Joseph knew what true success was, he was able to faithfully honor the Lord and overcame the various temptations that come with success. We invite you to listen today, so that you are not ruined by success, but instead use it as a means to bring glory to the Lord and good to others.

Overcomer: Overcoming Pride

Text: Genesis 41:1-49

One way that pride can be defined is grasping for equality with God. We all tend to grasp for equality with God in some area of our lives. But what if this prideful grasping is actually standing in the way of the very freedom and fulfillment that we are hoping to gain by grasping? There are many things the humble can do that the prideful cannot and Genesis 41 provides a snapshot from the life of Joseph of just what humility looks like and where it can lead. Perhaps its time for us to stop grasping for equality with God and instead simply grasp God.