Overcomer: Overcoming Impatience

Text: Genesis 40:1-23

Many of us struggle greatly with patience. Due to our human nature and our fast-paced culture, we know what we want, and we want it as soon as possible. However, God doesn’t function on our timetable. He works in ways and in times that we don’t always understand. As a result, we can struggle greatly in our faith when we are called to wait on the Lord. This message shows us what we are to do when God says, “Wait.” If you are living a busy life, we invite you to slow down, listen to this message and learn to wait on the Lord. You will be glad you did.

Overcomer: Overcoming Persecution

Text: Genesis 39:11-23

Have you ever been persecuted for your faith? In this message we discover how Joseph faced all sorts of trials and difficulties because of his stand for God and refusal to compromise. Surprisingly, Jesus warned us that all who truly love and live for Him will face some form of persecution. It is important, then, for us to not be overcome by the pressures and pains that come with persecution, but to, instead, overcome the attempts of the enemy to discourage, defeat and destroy us. If you want to live in victory, please take time to listen and apply the truths of this message today.

Overcomer: Overcoming Temptation

Text: Genesis 39:1-12

Temptations are a common part of our human experience through our sinful nature and fallen world. The word suggests that there is an enticement, a lure, and a pulling to do something that is opposed to what God would have us to do. At times we are tempted to do things that we know we should not do, while at others we are tempted to dismiss things that we know we should do. We all face temptations, the question is, “How do we handle them and how do we overcome them when the enemy is constantly seeking our failure?” In this message we discover many of the ways that the enemy seeks to make us fall, but we also learn how God can enable us to have victory. We encourage you to listen today so that you can have victory in Him.es/new

Overcomer: Overcoming Rejection

Text: Genesis 37:18-36; 39:1-2

Have you ever felt rejected? Perhaps you have felt rejected by someone you love such as a parent, a spouse, a child, or even a friend. Others have felt rejection from an employer, a certain group, or even from society as a whole. Few things in life sting as much as rejection. It can cause deep wounds, insecurities, fear, uncertainties, anxiety, anger, and bitterness - just to name a few. Joseph certainly faced his share of rejection in his life. Few of us have faced rejection to the depths that he experienced, yet, he did not allow his entire life to be defined by this rejection. Sure, it shaped his life in many ways, but he did not allow himself to live as a victim. He instead lived as a victor because he trusted in the Lord. Today, you, too, can experience the same victory if you are willing to look to God and live by faith. We invite you to listen to this message to discover how you, too, can be an overcomer.