We are excited to announce that Crosslink has partnered with Ramsey Solutions to offer your family all of the financial resources available on Ramsey+ for FREE.
To get your free Ramsey+ account today follow these steps:
To get your free Ramsey+ account today, follow these steps:
Watch this website to learn about your Ramsey+ account
Watch this video to learn how to activate your Ramsey+ account
Use this link to create your account. This is our church’s unique passcode link that allows you to get into Ramsey+ for free
After you’ve created an account, save this link to use when you want to log in to your account
Here are just a few of the reasons we are doing this now:
Many of our families are struggling financially and need hope and help mapping out their financial future.
We want to give something back to you as part of our church family.
We believe that generosity is essential to advancing the Kingdom of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth.
We want to help you get to a financial position that allows you to be generous in giving to God’s Kingdom and the advance of the Gospel.
We want to give you the resources needed to become a “Good Steward” of the money God has entrusted you with.
We want you to have the tools and resources necessary to find “Financial Peace”.
We believe that every member of Crosslink should be debt free and able to give as the Lord leads.
Crosslink purchased a Ramsey+ site license so that we could offer these resources to you and our entire congregation.
If you would like more information about Ramsey+ please email Pastor Terry at TRoss@crosslinkva.com.