Jesus Brings Joy: Joy For Those Who Trust in the Lord

Text: Luke 1:5-20, 39-45, 57-79

Many people love the Christmas season and consider it “the most wonderful time of the year.” However, this season is also characterized by many as a time of great pain, grief, discouragement, and loss. Due to the various hardships of life, Christmas can bring on the blues that can be hard to overcome. God is reminding us through this study that joy is available to all in every season and circumstance because true joy is found in Jesus. If you put your joy in anyone or anything else you will be greatly disappointed, but when you find your joy in Jesus you will experience a joy that nothing in this world can take away. We invite you to listen to this message today to discover how Zacharias and Elizabeth found joy in Jesus and how you, too, can do the same.

Standing Strong in Suffering

Text: The Book of Habakkuk

We all face hard times in our lives and go through seasons of challenge and difficulty. These trials test our faith, but the Lord can also use those times to shape our hearts and draw us closer to Himself. In this message entitled “Standing Strong in Suffering,” Pastor Scott looks at the prophet Habakkuk and how the Lord shaped his heart as he deals with the sin that existed in the nation of Judah and the news that God was going to bring judgement against His people. There are many things that the Lord can only teach us through suffering, and in this message Pastor Scott looks at the lessons Habakkuk learned, but also the lessons he learned this past year as his wife Lindsey journeyed through cancer.

A Higher Call: Called to Faithfulness

Text: 2 Thessalonians 3:1-18

We all understand what faithfulness is, and we also know how rare it can be. Friendships in our culture seem to come and go. Commitments to a church family often last only so long as people are comfortable and the arrangement is convenient. Even family members today can turn on each other in a heartbeat, and marriages greatly struggle with various temptations and pressures which often lead to unfaithfulness. We all know well the fractures and pains that are associated with unfaithfulness, but God calls us to faithfully live for Him. In moments of pressure and temptation, there is far more at stake than how we feel, and God reminds the Thessalonians, and us, that we must pursue faithfulness in our relationship with Him and with one another. The Bible gives us many keys to faithfulness in our lives, but in this final chapter to the Thessalonians Paul highlights three key areas that we should faithfully pursue. We pray that this message will encourage and challenge you today!

A Higher Call: Called to Steadfast Hope

Text: 2 Thessalonians 2:1-17

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the various struggles and sufferings you were facing in life? Have you ever found it difficult to trust the promises of God and to walk in steadfast hope amid great trials? If so, you can relate to the experience of the Thessalonian believers. Though they had the Word of God and the clear example and instruction of the Apostle Paul, as their trials mounted, they began to lose hope. God speaks through Paul, and through this message, to call us to walk in steadfast hope and reveals four vital aspects of doing so. We pray that you will listen today to be encouraged, edified, and strengthened to hope in the Lord.