Standing on The Rock: The Word of Truth

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Text: John 17:11-17

We live in a world that denies the reality of absolute truth and, as a result, our moral compass and convictions are constantly in flux. There is much chaos and confusion in the world today because we have believed the lies of the enemy and rejected the truth. However, no matter how severe the lies of Satan and how lost the ways of the culture are, it does not change the fact that God is absolute truth and He has revealed truth. Today’s message focuses on how God has revealed the truth through the Word of Truth – the Bible. We invite you to listen to this message today to discover the power of God’s Word and to personally benefit from it in your life.

Standing on The Rock: The Spirit of Truth

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Text: John 14:16-18, 25-27 & John 16:7-15

Many Christians are very confused about the role and purpose of the Holy Spirit. Some live as if He is nothing more than an eternal, emotional feeling that they are constantly pursuing for another experience. Others live with such uncertainty about Him they try to avoid Him to prevent things from getting crazy and out of control. The truth, however, is that we will never live the life that God intends for His children without being sensitive to and submitting to the Holy Spirit’s leadership in our lives. To learn more about the role of the Holy Spirit and an appropriate response to Him, we invite you to listen and apply this message today.

Standing on The Rock: The Person of Truth

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Text: John 14:1-6

We live in a culture of shifting sand where everyone does what is right in their own eyes and lives their own “truth.” However, the Bible teaches that God alone is the source of truth, not man, the culture, or the “experts” of the day. How then can we know the truth, apply it, live it out, and what role do we have in discovering and sharing it? All these questions are answered through this sermon series, and today we begin with this vital foundation – The Person of Truth. We will never know the Truth of God, without the Person who is the Truth. We pray that you will listen to this week’s message and examine your relationship with the Person of Truth.

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Text: 2 Corinthians 5:14-21

The words of Scripture in 2 Corinthians 5:14-21 are some of the most encouraging verses in all of the Bible. To those who do not know Jesus, they offer incredible hope and invitation to come and experience the grace and goodness of God. To those who do know Jesus as Savior, these words describe the beauty of what God has done for us and the purpose that He has for our lives today. In this message, we discover four new realities that are true for every person who is “in Christ.” We pray that each one will encourage you and challenge you as you live out who you are called to be in Him.