This Is Our God: Jehovah Sabaoth: The Lord of Hosts

Text: 1 Samuel 17:1-50

The story of “David and Goliath” is one of the most referenced stories in all of history. It is quoted in sports, politics, military conflicts, and nearly every arena of society. The phrase “David and Goliath” gives imagery of an underdog defeating an impossible, larger-than-life giant, but there is much more to it that God wants us to see today. The story isn’t really about a shepherd and a giant, fancy weapons versus a slingshot, or unlikely and impossible victories. It is ultimately about Jehovah Sabaoth, the Lord of Hosts, who has all power and authority. He rules over the forces of heaven and earth, and His plans and purposes will be accomplished. Our prayer today is that as you listen to this message, you would not merely see the struggles and “battles” that you are facing today, but that you instead focus on the Lord of Hosts and rely on His strength to give you the victory for His glory.

This Is Our God: Jehovah Shalom

Text: Judges 6:23-24

As we continue in our series on the names of God, we now come to Jehovah Shalom: The LORD is Peace. This week’s message shows us that no matter the “noise” in our lives, God is our source of peace. Jehovah Shalom desires to step in between you and the noises that threatened to drown out His voice as He speaks words of comfort, life, love, and assurance to you . . . but we have to be willing to listen, we have to be willing to act in faith, we have to be willing to move from hostility to hope — put your trust in Jehovah Shalom!

This Is Our God: “Jehovah M’kaddesh: The Lord Who Sanctifies”

Text: Leviticus 22:31-33

Each of the names of God reveals something unique about His character and nature. This week’s message points us to the fact that God is the one who sanctifies. He sanctifies us at the moment of salvation, and this moment impacts the way we live the rest of the moments of our lives. When we believe in Jesus and repent of our sins, God declares us holy and set apart, and now it is the calling of the Christian to devote ourselves to living this out in our everyday lives. We invite you to listen to this message to consider the depths of God’s holiness and discern the steps He is leading you to take to grow in holiness today.

This Is Our God: “Jehovah Nissi: The Lord Our Banner”

Text: Exodus 17:1-16 (ESV)

God introduces Himself to Israel as Jehovah Nissi – God Our Banner – in Exodus 17. Picturing God as a flag or a signal pole may not have much significance for many of us, but this name is a declaration of God’s provision and protection in our lives. In our hardships and battles, God is our source. This is seen most poignantly at the cross where Jesus died for our sins. At the cross, God secured the greatest victory for us by providing forgiveness for our sins and protection from sin’s power. We invite you to listen today to find the provision, protection, and victory that is only found in turning to Jesus our Savior.