When the Church Prays: God Orchestrates Cooperation

Text: Acts 6:1-7

In the church of the New Testament, the modern-day church, and yes even here at Crosslink we experience church conflict, especially when there are growing pains. Have you ever experienced conflict personally? We all have. How we deal with that conflict reveals a lot about our relationship with Christ. How the church deals with conflict also reveals how much we believe in what God has called and given us to do. Like the Early Church, we must pray and we must cooperate to see the work of the mission God has given us be furthered. When the church prays, God orchestrates cooperation.

When the Church Prays: God Brings Transformation

Text: Acts 4:13-35

As a culture, we are intrigued and enamored with the idea of being transformed. We all like to see things or people changed for the good. These transformations intrigue us and capture our attention because there is a longing that God has put within all of us to be transformed. The challenge, though, is that all of these earthly transformations are temporary, but this is not the case with the transformation that God brings. The transformation that comes from Him takes place within the heart of man and is eternal. When God does eternal work in us, He will do incredible work through us that will result in His glory and praise. That is what is on display in Acts 4. Through a series of situations and actions, God brought the Early Church to a place of great change, and as you listen to today’s message and examine your own life, I pray that you will experience the same.

When the Church Prays

Text: Acts 1:4-14; 2:37-42

Have you ever considered what happens when the Church prays? Have you ever considered how He can open doors, provide resources, give unity and clarity, raise up leaders, give supernatural boldness, open hearts, save souls, heal the sick, and even change the world? When we consider the many ways that God works through prayer, it is shocking that we pray so little. Sadly, most Christians view prayer as if it is a “side item” on the menu. We can take it or leave it, and most of the time we choose the latter. As Christians, we often claim to believe in the power of prayer and mentally acknowledge the importance of prayer, yet neither is truly reflected in our actions. This sermon and series are designed to help us know and experience the simple reality that, “God moves in extraordinary ways when the Church prays!” If you want to experience Him in your life today, we invite you to listen to the message.