Joy in Generosity: What Do You Seek?

Text: Luke 12:22-34

We are all seeking something in this world, and the world gives us no shortage of options. Some seek fame, a good name, wealth, position, possessions, power, and influence – just to name a few. God, though, shows us that the key to living a life that matters for eternity is to seek one key thing first. This great priority will impact every aspect of how we live and how we give. We invite you to listen today to discover this key priority and to decide that you will seek the one thing that truly matters.

Joy in Generosity: Who Do You Serve?

Text: Matthew 6:19-24

The world is always deceiving us and striving to convince us that we will be happy when we have more – more money, possessions, influence, power, relationships, etc. God, though, shows us that this is a lie. The truth is that great joy is experienced not in getting but in giving. In Acts 20:35 we are reminded that Jesus Himself said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” But, do we really believe this? Do we truly practice this? We begin this series today by looking at the words of Jesus concerning our management of wealth. We invite you to listen today as we each carefully consider, “Who do you serve?”

The Light of Christmas: The Light Still Shines

Text: Matthew 5:14-16

All throughout the Christmas season we were reminded that Jesus is the Light of Christmas. We celebrate the birth of Christ because Jesus came into this broken, darkened world to shine His Light for all mankind to be rescued from sin. When we read the Bible, though, we discover that Jesus is not only the Light that one day came into the world, He is still the Light that is shining for all to see so that all may experience eternal life through Him. How is that possible? How is He still shining in this dark world today? The answers are simple but profound, and every Christian has a strategic role to play. We invite you to listen today to discover your part in the Light that still shines.

The Light of Christmas: Living in the Light

Text: Ephesians 5:1-18

The Christmas season has come and gone, but that doesn’t mean that the celebration of Christ has ended. There is much more to the Christian life than simply accepting Jesus as the Light of the world. Receiving the Light of the world brings salvation to our souls, but from there God desires that we continue to live in the Light of Christ. As we move on from this Christmas season and into the new year, it is important that we embrace the calling to live in the Light every day. How can we do this? How is it possible? What difficulties will we face? All of this and more are answered in this message. We invite you to listen today so that together in Christ, we can all faithfully live in His Light.