Text: Exodus 14:5-31
Going Forward with God
Text: Acts 16:1-12
Have you ever been in a situation where things did not turn out as you planned? Have you ever been convinced that you were doing the right thing only to find that the door slammed in your face? Have you ever been led by the Lord to do something only to find that many obstacles and challenges hindered your path? If so, then this message is for you. There are many times and situations in life that are difficult to understand. It is easy for us to lean on our natural wisdom and understanding, but doing so will get us into a heap of problems. God wants us to understand that He is actually working in these specific times and situations to draw us closer to Himself so that we know Him deeper and are better prepared for His plans and purposes. We invite you to listen to this message today so that you don’t get stuck, but instead go forward with God.
Simple Discipleship
Text: Philippians 3:7-21, ESV
When we think of discipleship, a lot of things can come to mind: characters in the Bible, our Great Commission, programs in the church, and so many other things; but can we keep the idea of discipleship simple? No matter our different methods and practices, Paul gives us three essentials to discipleship that must be in the heart of every believer. Today we will see the necessary prerequisite of our salvation, the purpose-filled life we are given by Christ, and the glorious eternity that awaits us one day. The only question is, how will we live today in light of these truths? As Paul pours out his love and devotion for the Lord in our text today, may we join him as we seek to follow Christ as His beloved disciples!
The Wonderful Worship of the Wisemen
Text: Matthew 2:1-12, NKJV
It may seem hard to believe that Christmas has come and gone, but that does not mean that our worship of Jesus should end. In fact, sometime after Jesus' birth, magi arrived in Jerusalem looking for the King of the Jews who had been born. There was much about this King that they didn't know, but they did recognize that He was the long-awaited Messiah who was worthy of their worship. Those who are truly wise today will follow their example in searching for Jesus and surrendering their all to Him in glorious worship. We invite you to listen to this message today to be encouraged and challenged to live a life of worship to King Jesus.